Ask MJ:

Q.  I’m 60 years old . . . and feel it . . . what has been your ‘success’ with people of my age?

A. My clients ages have ranged from their early thirties to their mid eighties.  Age, for the most part, has very little to do with your success . . .

Q. I’ve tried ‘diets’ countless times, and they’ve never worked for me.  How is your program different?

A.  My program isn’t a ‘diet’!  It’s a “way of life”.  Diets don’t work because they don’t address the underlying problem . . .

  1. Q. How long will it take before I start noticing results?

A.  This may sound hard to believe, but you’ll start noticing results IMMEDIATELY!  Your energy levels will increase and your excess weight will ‘melt’ away.  And the best part, is that this process will continue as long as you stay with my program . . .


Beverly Hills, California

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